When you click on ‘User Management,’ you will get redirected to the User Management page. Where you will see three tabs - USER DETAILS, INVITE USERS, REQUESTS.
This section will display all users' details i.e., Your role in the organization and the organization name on the top right corner. The other user names, email id, role in the organization, the date on which they joined the organization. The options to change the user’s role or delete the user from the organization.
You can view the list of invited users, their name, email id, date of invitation, status of the invitation, the invitation’s last update date and the button to resend the invite. You can also invite new users to the organization from here.
Note: Admin Privilege will gain access to all Admin rights (add new users, edit the organization details, remove a user, take action on the requests received, modify the organization details, and delete the organization) whereas the User Privilege will gain access only to User Rights (can view the organization details, add new users).
Note: If you want to send more invites click on “SEND MORE” if not then click on “CLOSE”
Once you are done inviting the user, an invitation email will be sent to this user. The user can also view the invitation on the application, by going on invitations tab on organization page.
To accept the invitation through the email -
Once the user accepts the invite, it will appear in the list of organizations on the Organizations tab on the page.
Note: You can also accept the invitation directly from the application by going to the organizations page.
This is what the list of invitees will look like within the ‘INVITE USER’ tab of the User Management page.
Note: You could also resend the invite if the user did not receive the previous invite, by clicking on Resend button next to the invitation.
C. The third tab in the ‘User Management’ page is REQUESTS.
This section displays the list of requests received by the admin of the organization from the users who have requested a change in their Privilege i.e, Admin or User.
If you click on the username of any of the users added in the organization, the User Details page opens.
Here, you see the user’s details, the list of projects which he is part of, the owner of the project, the user’s privilege, your privilege in the project and an option to join the project.
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